Remember me? Sorry about my extended absence. My computer died (or was on the brink of dying) so I had to save the hard drive, get a new computer, transfer all the data, and then get the data organized and find it all. I have horrible computer luck. This is the second time this has happened this year. Once to a desktop computer, and now to a laptop. I need to invest in a better computer brand, but since I don't have the money, just pray that this new one doesn't fail me :)
So- welcome me back into the blogging world!
I've been busy busy creating fun things for upcoming catalogs and Summer CHA that I'll get to show you hopefully in the next couple of months. Until then- I've been doing a lot with fabric lately. Today's project involves fabric, as well as two more projects for Imaginisce next week and two for Doodlebug at the end of the month. My sewing machine's getting a workout!
Check these out!
If you're wondering what jewelry has to do with scrapbooking- look closer.
It's I-Top jewelry!
Woo hoo!
Fun, right?
Imaginisce has come out with Magni-Top pieces for the I-Top and magnet daddies to go along with it.
Now you can make custom jewelry with fabric, patterned paper, or even photos!
And the I-Top pieces are interchangeable because they're attached with magnets!
The magnets are inside the magnet daddies, so the backs are perfectly flat.
Fabric is fun to use with the I-Top because you can just use circles, instead of punching or cutting the star shapes, and they smooth out perfectly. The bracelet and necklace are both Magnitop pieces, as well as the daddies. I added the pearls and crystals myself.
They come in earrings, too.
The packs look like this so you'll recognize them in your local craft stores or online.
Check out the Imaginisce Blog all this week to see more great jewelry ideas!
Thanks for visiting!
I love your fabric choice! Amazing pieces!